Monday, November 21, 2005

Make Panther More Like Tiger

How To Make Panther More Like Tiger

Print to Mail. Create alias of Apple's Mail, or other email application.
Save to Web Receipts folder. Create folder named Web Receipts folder, and create an alias of it.

Create a folder named PDF Services in your Home folders' Library folder. Place both these aliases in this new folder.

Also add the following software applications;

Konfabulator (FW) OS 10.2+

Pocketlight (FW) 10.3+ Searches mailboxes, calendars, Address Book, files.

QuickDash (FW) 10.1+

SearchLite (FW)

Amnesty (SW) Widget Browser is a utility for Mac OS X Tiger and Panther (10.3.9)

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Sony BMG DRM "Virus" on CDs

The DRM (Digital Rights Management) employed by Sony BMG
is certainly akin to a computer virus.

"...Sony was playing a dirty trick on its customers, secretly installing a malware-style “root kit” on their computers via audio CDs...

READ: Mac Users Not Safe From Sony BMG DRM
by Michael Santo, Contributing Writer, RealTechNews

Don't be afraid - Don't buy these Sony BMG products!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

DownloadComment Safari Plugin

Another great Mac app from Ecamm Network:

I installed the new DownloadComment v 1.1 and it works absolutely perfectly.

"When you download things in Safari, DownloadComment will put the original URL into the saved file's Spotlight Comments. Now you'll always know where your downloads came from. Keep track of where your downloads came from. The Comments field can be accessed in the Finder by choosing to "Get Info" on a file.

This functionality was part of most browsers on OS 9 but is missing from Safari. DownloadComment brings it back. "

New in v1.1 : Now works with Safari 2.0 and OS X 10.4. Comment is now added to files saved using the Save As menu option or contextual menu.

System Requirements:
PPC or Intel
Safari 1.2 and higher

Sunday, October 2, 2005

iTunes Parental Controls

iTunes 5 features new Parental Controls for music, music sharing and podcasts.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Bluetooth Security Tips

•     Enable Bluetooth only when you need it,
•     keep the device in non-discoverable (hidden) mode,
•     Use long and difficult to guess PIN key when pairing the device (key such as 1234 is unacceptable),
•     Reject all unexpected pairing requests,
•     Check list of paired devices from time to time to ensure there are no unknown devices on the list,
•     Update your mobile phone firmware to a latest version,
•     Enable encryption when establishing BT connection to your Computer.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Monday, August 22, 2005

Wireless Audio with Airfoil!

Rogue Ameoba has an amazing application with the ability to send any audio from your Mac to your AirPort Express.

OK, it's not free, but so worth it.

check out Airfoil now.

Friday, August 5, 2005

How To Use New iPod on OS9

Wow, this opens up the iPod entirely.

"after a few hours of hacking, I discovered the key to getting the new iPod to work with OS 9.2.1 is to down load and install iTunes 2.0.2. To access the hidden music files on new iPod is really quite simple using the Norton Disk Editor."

How to get the new iPod to work with Mac OS 9.x

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Contact Kanduco with Skype

Kanduco can now be contacted using Skype.

This software allows for both text and audio chats!

Skype Name: Kanduco, of course.

Happy Skyping!

Wednesday, March 9, 2005


"iUSBCam from Ecamm Network is an add-on for iChat which allows you to use a USB webcam for video conferencing. It also enables Chat video conferencing on Macs which otherwise fall below Apple's system requirements for conferencing.

For example, with iUSBCam, you can use a Logitech QuickCam for video chat, or an iSight with a 500 MHz iBook."

I bought this up quick to use with my iBot FireWire web cam.
SEE PREVIOUS POST: iBOT FireWire WebCam for Mac!