I've Been Waiting For This For Over 10 Years.
iGoogle allows you to interface with the web using multiple tabs, on the cleanest, ad free pages, saving you more time than you might ever have imagined.
You might even wonder how you got along without it.
Simple to set up and change whenever you want.
Use your current Gmail account, or get one, then log into iGoogle using your Gmail email address and password
Gmail also provides you with Documents (text documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms), Photos, Reader, and much more. Google Documents allows for people to collaborate on the same files.
The feature set of Google Calendar has the ability to invite guests via email and keeps track of who has accepted, declined, and any comments they have made. And you can choose whether guests can see other guests, and invite others. There are also handy reminders in the form of pop-ups and/or email.
Google Photos automatically collects all of the pictures you upload to Blogger on Picasa Web Albums. Google gives you up to 1 (one) GB of space for photos, and you can purchase additional storage space that will be shared between mail and photos. All the photo albums, up to 500 pictures each, can be kept private, "Unlisted", allowing you to select the individual people you want to share them with, or made public to show the world. The Picasa Web Albums Uploader for Mac OS X 10.4 makes uploading photos from iPhoto, and email so easy. And you can now use your mobile phone to see any picture you've posted to Picasa Web Albums. You can even post comments on your friends' latest photos.
With Google's RSS Reader if you find yourself repeatedly visiting a Blog or website to check for updates, or if you just come across a page you want to keep track of, you can easily subscribe to it using the subscribe bookmark.
And no, Gmail is NOT unlimited, but it is 7.2GB and rising, and you can send attachments up to 20 MB in size!
With Google's RSS Reader if you find yourself repeatedly visiting a Blog or website to check for updates, or if you just come across a page you want to keep track of, you can easily subscribe to it using the subscribe bookmark.
and it was good.
AOL Xdrive UPDATE- November 6, 2008: