Saturday, March 12, 2005

Contact Kanduco with Skype

Kanduco can now be contacted using Skype.

This software allows for both text and audio chats!

Skype Name: Kanduco, of course.

Happy Skyping!

Wednesday, March 9, 2005


"iUSBCam from Ecamm Network is an add-on for iChat which allows you to use a USB webcam for video conferencing. It also enables Chat video conferencing on Macs which otherwise fall below Apple's system requirements for conferencing.

For example, with iUSBCam, you can use a Logitech QuickCam for video chat, or an iSight with a 500 MHz iBook."

I bought this up quick to use with my iBot FireWire web cam.
SEE PREVIOUS POST: iBOT FireWire WebCam for Mac!